Getting Ready to Grow Your Business?

For the past five years, you have seen your business numbers steadily climb. You are now at a point where you either must start turning away business, or you need to staff up. As well as staffing up, it might be prudent to consider outsourcing certain operations at this time.

Healthcare Answering Services

Central Communications has over 60 years of experience excelling in providing a professional answering service for your thriving healthcare practice. Whether serving patients in the medical, dental, hospice, or academic fields, our specially trained Call Center Agents will provide HIPAA compliant service and ensure confidentiality for your patients. “We believe in the best: the best […]

Entering the “Virtual World”

  Central Communications offers a Virtual Receptionist Service for companies. It’s more than simply answering phones, it is literally able to take the place of the person who sat at the desk in your front lobby. Depending upon the information you supply us with, and the types of questions you are prepared to have us […]

Things You Can Do To Be More Effective In Your Business

This is the year. The year where you are going to get things running smoothly and efficiently. You are going to find ways to be more effective in your business. As they say, you are determined to work more  on your business than IN your business. One of the first things you can do is […]

The Benefits of a Virtual Receptionist

You have a business that is finally beginning to catch on. More help would be great, but how do you keep up with everything you already have going on and spend the time to hire just the right person to represent your company? Most  businesses start small.

Major Companies are Moving Back to the USA

For about 15 years, Central Communications did well despite the fact that much of our competition had moved their operations staff to companies oversees. I think in part because we have such loyal customers, but it could also have been the accent issue. It is probably a combination of things that caused companies to begin […]

Emergency Support

  To the folks on the South East Coast we send our good thoughts and sympathy for what they have been going through. Our main office is in Riverside, Ca, and in the beautiful state of California there is no shortage of natural events that can become catastrophic. From wildfires to earthquakes and mudslides. Thank […]

Dealing With Customers

    At Central Comm there are times when we get hit with some pretty upset cusomters.It most often not customers who are upset with Central Comm, rather it’s  customers are upset with a situation or service which one of our customers provide.  We train for those situations, but I must tell you, when you […]

Central Comm is Always Looking for Great Operators

Central Comm is hiring. As the economy continues to recover and new companies pop up, while the older ones are adding staff, so do we. Central Comm is a  growing 24/7 Call Center. We take your calls, we can act as your Receptionist, as your dispatch centers , just head over to the services section […]

The Olympics Are On!

Swimming, gymnastics, waterpolo and track…just a few of my favorite things to watch. Lead up to these Olympics games were full of gloom and doom. Between the Zika virus and conditions in Brazil, I was not certain what to make of these Olympics…until it started. I don’t know what happens, but for me it’s magic. […]